The Genesis of Evangeline Read Online Free



Brides of the Kindred xx

Evangeline Anderson


Evangeline Anderson


Evangeline Anderson Books

Copyright © 2022 by Evangeline Anderson

E-volume License Notes

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*Comprehend content is for illustrative purposes merely. Any person depicted on the encompass is a model*

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*Author'due south Alarm--there is a scrap of rough sex here. I don't want anyone to experience upset so I'm alarm you now.

Hugs and Happy Reading! Evangeline

Table of Contents


Affiliate 1

Chapter two

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Affiliate 5

Affiliate 6

Chapter 7

Affiliate 8

Chapter 9

Affiliate 10

Affiliate 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Affiliate 15

Affiliate 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Affiliate 22

Affiliate 23

Chapter 24

Affiliate 25

Chapter 26

Affiliate 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter thirty

Chapter 31

Affiliate 32


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The clear green rock glowed in the dim room. Information technology was the width of a human being palm merely every bit the surface cleared, minor just distinct figures could be seen moving across its shiny surface.

"What is this?" Sovereign Ysldred X'izith of the Hive peered into the bright green depths. "What is the rock showing me?"

"I know not, my Sovereign," the sentient scholar-worker beside him buzzed, training its antennae anxiously. "I know only that the Due east'lo stones will sometimes show scenes important to their owners—though why information technology is important is for you, my Sovereign, to make up one's mind."

"I thought the Druvian E'lo stones were only meant to be useful for instant transportation around the universe," Sovereign 10'izith snapped impatiently.

"Regretfully, the transport stones nosotros took are not even so functional," the scholar-worker said apologetically. "Only equally you can see, my Sovereign, the seer stone appears to be operation. It may give us an insight into the Kindred'southward plans and motivations if nosotros keep watching."

"Maybe…" Sovereign X'izith rubbed at his empty eye socket irritably. He had been half blinded and maimed in a recent boxing with one of the damned Kindred who had also stolen the female person he had designated as his Breeding Queen. Concentrating on the tiny figures in the green E'lo rock with his one remaining compound centre made his head anguish.

Still, the stone, which had been stolen from an upcoming sale of Druvian artifacts in the Toloth Organisation, might provide a window into his enemy'southward mind and movements. Taking it and the E'lo ship stones had been a adventure but one which would hopefully pay off in the end.

The Hive had moved from their spot in the Blind to the barren, freezing mountains of Mars with the Kindred being none the wiser. At that place, the hugger-mugger burrow the workers were amalgam grew larger every twenty-four hours. Hive slaves that pumped oxygen, which the humans needed, had been put in place as well equally the larger glow-bugs which generated heat and radiance. Soon X'izith would be ready to commencement abducting females from the small blueish and white planet called Earth and implanting them with grubs.

Merely there the Hive had striking a snag. Though the smaller scouts—the ones no larger than Earth sized insects—had been able to get past World's temper to collect samples and data from the World females X'izith intended to take, the protective free energy cyberspace the Kindred had placed around the planet kept out larger scouts and space arts and crafts.

Somehow X'izith knew he had to find a way around the free energy net—a mode to get to the females he needed to implant with both mutual and royal grubs that the Hive might survive and thrive and spread to conquer the entire rest of the universe.

That was where the Eastward'lo stones came in—maybe they would provide a clue as to what the Kindred were doing and when, if ever, they relaxed their vigilant scout on the Earth.

"The Nameless Ones, Gods of Nothing, grant it shall be," X'izith muttered to himself, angle over the glowing green stone once more. "Testify me my enemy's program," he said, though he did not know if the stone could hear or obey him.

In its green depths, he saw the effigy of a tall Kindred male—at to the lowest degree, Ten'izith thought he was Kindred. He had strangely mismatched optics—one bluish and ane green. Glowing sparks like pinpricks of flame danced in each, seeming to betoken some hidden power. He was taller than the average Kindred—over vii standard feet—and his shoulders and arms were thick with muscle. X'izith could clearly see his concrete power considering he was fighting the green, scaly-skinned Horvath which was dragging him along at the cease of a pain leash.

"Let me get, you bastard! I swear by the Seven Hells I'll roast y'all alive!"

"Come," the Horvath grunted, yanking on the ternion which no doubt sent a accuse of agony through his massive prisoner'due south frame. "There izz no signal in rezzisting. You are a zzlave and will be zzold no matter how y'all zztruggle."

He appeared to be dragging the Kindred through a lavishly decorated hall. On one side of the hall a grouping of women dressed in severely cut suits were sitting. Their eyes were wide with surprise as the slaver struggled with his convict. On the other side was a display of precious stones arranged on ane table. Some were as big as a fist while others were every bit tiny every bit a fingernail and they ranged in color from brilliant green to deep blueish to vibrant imperial.

With a kickoff, X'izith recognized the Toloth auction house where his workers had gone to steal the E'lo stones in the first identify.

"What is this?" he hissed. "Why does the rock simply show me its origin? This is useless! It shows the place information technology came from—naught to do with the Kindred leaders and their plans!"

"My Sovereign…" The scholar-worker who had recommended stealing the stones in the first place had begun to groom its antennae nervously, virtually compulsively. "Perchance if nosotros merely proceed watching…"

"No!" 10'izith turned petulantly from the stone and limped heavily to a nearby mucus cluster growing from the wall of his new room. He sank onto it and reached with his three remaining arms to massage the aching, twisted mass of scar tissue that marred his belly and wrapped tight around the base of operations of his breeding barb.

Even if he could get his claws on an Earth female suitable for implantation, he wasn't certain that he had the strength to breed her just at present. The very deed of using his barb was certain to be tremendously painful which meant he would take to make each breeding count.

"Where are you, my Breeding Queen?" he muttered to himself, envisioning an Earth female with just the correct Deoxyribonucleic acid to behave a brood of purple grubs. "Where are y'all and how can I get to you?"

He would have t

o find a mode. Even if the East'lo stones they had stolen were useless, he would have to find a way to go the perfect female and fly her back to his new base on Mars. So and only then would the future of the Hive exist secured.

The Nameless Ones grant it shall be so, he told himself wearily. No matter what happened, he would never give up. Not until the survival of his species was bodacious.

The Kindred and the humans akin would feel the cold shadow of the Hive spreading over their lands before he drew his last jiff—Sovereign 10'izith swore it.

And he never broke his word.

Chapter Ane

"There—all is in redinezz. Y'all are perfectly dizzplayed for sale." Greed'lik stood back and nodded approvingly at his handiwork.

"And so you say," Commander Thornx of the Kindred Elite Espionage Corps growled. "But I experience like a fool."

"You are drezzed as all the other males zzlaves are." Greed'lik's long, forked natural language slithered out to swipe over ane slitted xanthous eyeball. The lizard-like humanoid was Thorn's within man on this job—posing as a slaver for the upcoming silent sale.

And the slave he was going to sell? Well, that would be Thorn himself.

Thorn didn't like working with the glace bastard—Horvaths weren't known for their trustworthiness, merely their forehandedness. But he'd not been able to detect anyone else who had an in with the auction slave suppliers so he had to put his trust in the slimy alien whether he liked it or non.

And right now, he well-nigh definitely did not—Bad enough he had to go undercover and allow himself to be sold as a slave without looking like this.

He looked down at himself with a frown, taking in the ridiculous get-up Greed'lik had insisted was appropriate for the slave auction. He was bare chested, which didn't bother him in the to the lowest degree, but the trousers he'd been forced to wear were tight blackness leather that molded itself to his long legs. They wouldn't accept been then dissimilar from the flight leathers that nigh Kindred wore when piloting except these particular trousers were missing a critical piece—namely the entire crotch.

Thorn grimaced when he looked at the fashion his shaft was completely on brandish. He supposed it made sense—the Mistresses who came to bid on male slaves at the elite Toloth action were buying a trunk-slave who would serve a sexual role also as a protective i—they wanted to see what they were getting. Still, since they didn't believe in allowing males to penetrate females on Yonnie Six, where most of the Mistresses were from, it didn't seem like it would matter what size his endowment was. Perhaps information technology was a matter of pride to have a slave with a large erect.

As it happened, Thorn had no bug in that area. Like all Kindred, he was extremely well endowed. But that didn't mean he wanted his equipment hanging out in the open for all to see!

There was even a thick strap of black leather knotted around the base of his shaft. It wasn't also tight right now but information technology would give him bang-up difficulties if his cock should harden. The strap was placed in such a way that blood could rush into his organ just would non exist able to escape again.

If Thorn immune himself to become aroused, he would be stuck with a very large and prominent hard-on. A hard-on which he would exist unable to have care of himself due to the fact that his hands were tied behind his back with another strap—this one made of unbreakable leather-steel.

The strap around his shaft didn't worry him as well much, though—he couldn't imagine anything almost this state of affairs what would get him hard. In fact, quite the reverse. Though he had taken this assignment voluntarily, he didn't similar information technology. He was not, by nature, submissive. He didn't fearfulness angle his articulatio genus to a female person or feel shame at pretending to be a slave, but he wasn't exactly looking forrard to it either.

You don't have to like it, a little voice in his head reminded him. Yous just accept to do it.

True plenty, Thorn acknowledged. Arranging to take himself sold as a body-slave to one of the Sacred Seven, the Mistresses of Yonnie Six who held the keys to the Library of All Cognition, was an important mission—perhaps the most important of his entire life.

For within the Library was data about the Hive—a race of insectile alien beings that were known to be ravenous and tireless in their conquest of other races. And at present the Hive had prepare their sights on World, the small blue and green planet the Kindred were currently protecting.

Of course, it would take been much easier if the Kindred could simply take asked for the data. Unfortunately, the Mistresses of Yonnie Six considered males junior and refused to deal with them. And so in that location had been no choice—someone had to go undercover equally a slave and, knowing the gravity of the situation, Thorn had volunteered.

If he failed in his mission and was unable to gain admission to that knowledge, the Kindred, as well as the entire human being race would be doomed. So it didn't affair what ridiculous outfit he had to wear or what he had to do, he must be bought past Mistress Neh'sanna—1 of the Sacred 7 who were protectors and curators of the Library. And once in her service, he must do whatever it took to gain her trust until he could get admission to the knowledge of the Hive. Only and so could the Kindred know definitively how to defeat the hungry hoard of insectile aliens coming subsequently them.

Reminding himself of the gravity of his mission helped settle him some.

Take it easy, he told himself. Even though it feels strange and new, this is no different from whatsoever other undercover consignment. You lot've been through torture before and never lost your cool.

Information technology was truthful. He flexed his shoulders, every bit well as the leather strap that bound his hands would let him. The skin of his upper back was still tight and scarred from the fire whip that had been used on him in i of his other missions. And the blood snails of Tantor Prime…well, they didn't deport thinking about. But through every form of torture, Thorn had held truthful and potent and had kept his iron control.

He had to be in control of himself—being half Enfuego, bad things happened if he lost it. His mind tried to take him back to that time, so many years ago, before he had learned to principal himself. He had lost it and then and at that place had been tragic consequences…

No—don't think of that, Thorn allowable himself. Retrieve of the mission. Every bit soon equally Mistress Neh'sanna bought him, he would be halfway to his goal. He knew there was a ceremony coming upward very soon at the Library of All Knowledge. He had to be with her at that time and so he could use her to gain access and then…

"Practise you think you'll be called?" whispered a low phonation, interrupting his train of idea.

Thorn turned his head to see the slave continuing on the auction block abreast him. He was a tall male person, though non and then tall as Thorn, with long, night tresses unlike Thorn'southward own brusque brown hair. He besides was dressed in the tight blackness trousers with no crotch merely his phallus was already prominently erect.

Though he was speaking to Thorn, he was looking anxiously at the vast, rounded double doors that stood at the end of the auction room. The doors where the prospective Mistresses would enter in simply a moment. They would bid on the males who were displayed on the circular phase in the middle of the opulent gold-draped room, taking only the finest specimens.

"I don't know if I will be chosen," Thorn said neutrally. "Practise you lot think you will?"

"I pray then."

The male's words surprised Thorn near as much as the fervent, hopeful look on his face.

"You…do?" Thorn frowned. "You want to exist a slave, then?"

"Would I be here if I didn't? Would any of usa?" the other male person demanded, nodding at the dozen or so others displayed on the circular stage.

"But…" Thorn shook his head in some defoliation. "Are you saying you—and everyone else in this room—are hither voluntarily? That yous want to be a slave to i of the Yonnite Mistresses?"

"Of course we do," the other male person snapped, frowning anxiously as he connected looking at the double doors. "The Yonnites are renowned for their potency of males who wish to serve."

"I've heard they're renowned for their cruelty,

" Thorn returned dryly. "I wouldn't be too eager to be owned by one if I were you."

Indeed, he was going into this situation expecting to be tortured in ways that rivaled everything he'd thus far been through during his long career in espionage. The Mistresses of Yonnie Six weren't exactly known for their tender mercy to the males they took as slaves. When they weren't sexually tormenting them, they used pain collars to stimulate their fretfulness to fiery agony. Oh no, this wasn't going to be an easy mission—not that he couldn't handle it. He could handle anything, he told himself confidently.

Merely the other male was giving him a scornful expect.

"Why arrange to have yourself sold here at sale if you don't want to serve a Mistress?" he demanded, frowning.

"Arrange to take myself sold?" Thorn raised an eyebrow at him.

"Of course," the other male said impatiently.

"Why would I do such a thing?"

"For the same reason any of us did." The male person shrugged irritably. "For a change—a take a chance at a new life—a life yous truly desire." He sighed. "I had a successful business on Te'kar Prime but the force per unit area of it was killing me. I sold it and came here hoping for a fresh start—a new existence serving instead of being served. I imagine most of the males here accept a similar story."

"Really?" Thorn muttered.

"Yes, really," the other male said. He looked longingly at the door. "When do you think they'll come up in? Surely the sale of the Druvian artifacts must be done by now. It's past time for the auction, don't you think?"

Thorn didn't answer him. Instead, he frowned down at Greed'lik who stood at the side of the round platform licking his eyeballs with his long, forked tongue.

The Horvath bastard hadn't told him the slaves on sale were here voluntarily. In fact, he'd fabricated a slap-up show of hustling Thorn in by the Mistresses before while Thorn resisted as much as possible, shouting angrily that he refused to be a slave—that he was a free male and he would kill the scaly light-green slaver who had dared to capture him.


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