what happens to pensions when a company is sold

When you change jobs, it's probable you'll leave behind a company pension. Even if you change jobs but two or iii times in your career, information technology tin be hard to keep rails of how much your pensions are worth and where your money's invested.

How do workplace pensions work?


In an effort to encourage more than workers to salve for their retirement, the government gradually introduced a scheme called Auto-Enrolment.

As of 2018 information technology is at present compulsory for every visitor in the Uk to automatically enrol its eligible staff in a workplace pension scheme.

To run into the weather yous must earn over £x,000 per year and be aged between 22 and Country Alimony age.


Once you've been enrolled by your employer, they'll be required to make a minimum contribution past police, and you'll likewise have to make a minimum contribution.

  • Employees have to pay a minimum of 5% of their annual salary into their alimony
  • Employers have to pay a minimum of 3% of an employee's annual salary into their pension

Any money you contribute to your pension equally an employee will exist eligible for tax relief from the government.

Types of workplace alimony

At that place are two types of workplace pension, divers contribution pensions and defined benefit pensions.

Defined contribution pensions are the virtually common and have a value based on how much money you lot've paid into your pension and how your investments accept performed. If you're auto-enrolled in a workplace pension scheme it volition unremarkably be a divers contribution pension.

Defined benefit pensions are less common and are only typically offered to those working in big companies or the public sector. The value of the pension is based on the number of years you've been a member of the scheme and your bacon.

How practise I detect out if I have a pension?

Due to the contempo pension police force change, you'll be enrolled in your workplace pension scheme automatically, unless y'all've opted-out and are no longer paying into the scheme.

  • Your current pension: you lot can find out more than information about your pension by talking to the HR department at your identify of work. They'll be able to share details of the company scheme, including how it works and who your alimony provider is. You should likewise receive regular statements from your provider detailing your policy number and their contact details, every bit well as an update on the performance of your investments.

  • Quondam pensions: any pension that you stop paying into is considered to be an former pension. Most people have several erstwhile pensions that become dormant as before long equally they leave a job and end making contributions. If you remember paying into a alimony at your previous workplace and didn't practise anything with it when you left the company, information technology'south likely you'll have an old pension. Y'all can bank check back through statements and one-time payslips to find out more information.

  • Lost pensions: if yous're confident that you've paid into pensions in previous jobs only tin't call back how many or who they're with, there are a few things you can do to observe a lost pension. If you know either the employer or pension provider's name you can search the government's free database.

The Pension Tracing Service helps you detect contact details for a workplace or personal pension scheme so you tin can go far touch with them directly. It won't, nonetheless, confirm if you have a pension or provide any details on its value so you'll need to contact your pension provider directly.

If you choose to move your old pensions into a unmarried plan, your new provider may be able to aid you rail down your old pensions. When you transfer your workplace pensions to a new PensionBee plan we'll contact your erstwhile providers on your behalf and handle the transfer process from start to cease. You just need to provide a few pieces of data such as the pension provider name and policy number (if you have information technology to manus).

Workplace pension rules

All employers must offer a workplace alimony scheme by law and at that place are several rules y'all'll demand to be aware of.

  • If you're eligible for Auto-Enrolment, your employer must enrol you in its pension scheme, although it can delay your enrolment date by up to three months.
  • If you lot don't meet the criteria for Auto-Enrolment your employer can't refuse y'all access to its pension scheme. Only it won't have to contribute to your alimony if you earn less than £520 a calendar month, £120 a week or £480 over a four-calendar week period.
  • Both yous and your employer must make the minimum pension contributions set out in a higher place.
  • Yous're allowed to opt-out of a workplace pension scheme at any time and can claim a refund if you do then within 1 calendar month of joining.
  • You should never confront any discrimination from your employer for either joining or remaining in a company pension scheme, and you should never be encouraged to opt-out.

Tin can I transfer my alimony?

Information technology's relatively straightforward to move a visitor alimony from ane provider to another.

  • You might choose to transfer your pension out of necessity, if you're changing jobs or the scheme yous're in is closing.
  • Yous can also move your pension if you're moving overseas, have found a better scheme or are looking to transfer all of your old workplace pensions into one plan.

While you lot won't need to seek permission to complete whatsoever alimony transfers, it's a legal requirement to seek the communication of an Independent Financial Adviser if you're thinking nearly moving a defined benefit pension worth over £30,000.

Can I cash in a pension from an onetime employer?

Under the Pension Freedom rules, you'll be allowed to access your workplace pension in one case you reach the historic period of 55. It'southward not possible to greenbacks in your pension earlier this time, no-affair how old it is or what information technology'due south worth, and you should avert any scams that claim to be able to assist you admission your pension early.

Once you lot plough 55, you tin cash in your old visitor pension in a number of means. The showtime 25% you withdraw tin can be taken as a tax-gratuitous lump sum, and any withdrawals later that volition be charged at your usual rate of income tax. Pop options include drawdown, which keeps your money invested until you need it, and purchasing an annuity, which pays a guaranteed income for a set menses.

At whatsoever time, earlier 55 or subsequently, yous tin move your erstwhile workplace pension to a new scheme and combine all of your old pensions into one. Although you may not exist able to withdraw the money in your pension directly away, you'll always accept control over how it's invested.

Tin can I lose my pension if my visitor is sold?

In virtually cases, a workplace pension is held by a pension fund rather than the employer. Therefore, if the company is sold or even goes bust, your alimony won't be affected. Some employers like the NHS manage their own pension schemes.

If I get sacked, what happens to my pension?

If y'all lose your job, whether yous're fired or through redundancy, your employer will cease paying into your alimony. The alimony volition continue to be managed past your pension provider and will continue to grow in line with its investments. You'll be able to transfer your pension or combine it with other former pensions, if yous wish. Your employer tin can't take abroad your pension.

Keeping track of old workplace pensions

Moving all of your pensions into 1 simple program can help you continue track of how your savings are performing. Rather than managing multiple pension pots, PensionBee tin help you take control of your savings by bringing everything together in one place.

Run a risk warning

Every bit always with investments, your capital is at risk. The value of your investment tin can go down likewise equally up, and you may go dorsum less than y'all invest. This data should not exist regarded as fiscal advice.

Final edited: 17-02-2022


Source: https://www.pensionbee.com/pensions-explained/find-transfer-pensions/what-happens-to-my-pension-when-i-leave-a-company

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