How Soon Can a Cat Get Pregnant Again

When I told the ladies at the coffeehouse where I do almost of my writing that I was researching pregnant cats, they asked me a perfectly natural question: "How long is cat pregnancy?" When I told them, "Oh, somewhere around 60 days," one of them responded, "I wish I were a cat!" and nosotros all had a expert express joy. Indeed, ii months is a lot shorter than the human gestation catamenia of nine months. Of class, every bit you lot tin imagine, there'south more to cat gestation than simple length or elapsing.

Every bit with any mammal who finds herself in a family way, there are distinct phases to the process. What are the stages of cat pregnancy? What can you lot, as a cat owner, practice to treat a cat as she brings a litter to term? Hither at Catster, we strongly recommend skipping the circus and getting all your domestic cats spayed or neutered. If you really must experience the wonder of kitten birth, we suggest watching YouTube videos.

how long is cat pregnancy
Facts about cats: A kitten iv-6 months one-time can be a cat in heat. Photo past Feliciano Guimarães on Flickr.

Cats in heat

If your female true cat is intact — pregnant she has non been spayed — it is easier to recognize when she is in estrus than it is to discern the earliest signs or symptoms of pregnancy. So, how can you recognize the phases of your cat's heat cycle? Cats are polyestrus; they can go into heat every three weeks or so, especially during the warmer months. Because cats develop and mature so quickly, a female kitten may experience her kickoff rut cycle between five and half-dozen months of age.

To avoid unwanted true cat pregnancies, it's critical to get cats spayed or neutered as soon as possible after adoption or birth. In society to attract potential mates, a cat in oestrus might spray urine on vertical surfaces. Vocally, you'll hear all new sounds, starting with depression-pitched meowing, followed past louder and longer calls as the urge to mate intensifies. Otherwise, the signs of a true cat in estrus limited through changes in behavior, such every bit a noticeable increase in the corporeality of physical amore she shows.

Length and signs of cat pregnancy

How long is cat pregnancy? Uncomplicated reply is ii months, or nine weeks. These are just estimates; depending on what source yous consult, the duration ranges from 58 to 72 days. WebMD, for example, puts the length of true cat gestation between those extremes, at 63-65 days. How can you tell if a cat is pregnant? Unless you've noticed the signs of estrus, you might not start seeing obvious outward changes in a queen's physical appearance or behavior until halfway through her pregnancy, or around the thirty-twenty-four hours marker.

Earlier her abdomen swells noticeably, one sign that your cat is expecting is that her nipples will grow larger and pinker. That tin can be like shooting fish in a barrel to miss if y'all don't spend a lot of time observing the status of your cat's nipples. A visit to the veterinary and an ultrasound tin can provide a definitive confirmation if yous are worried or curious. The adjacent clear changes don't occur until the final two weeks of the pregnancy agenda, during which period the cat will brandish an increased ambition and begin displaying nesting behaviors in training for delivery. About two days before she is due, the cat will stop eating.

how long is cat pregnancy
True cat pregnancy length is almost ix weeks. Photo via Wikimedia Commons.

What are the stages of cat pregnancy?

Information technology might exist difficult to trace the progression of your cat's pregnancy, but the stages tin exist conspicuously described. Unlike humans or dogs, cats don't ovulate in advance. Sexual congress with a chosen male is what triggers the release of her eggs for fertilization. This happens over the course of the showtime week. Depending on how many partners she has during that time, a single litter may take multiple fathers. Between weeks 2 and three, the nascent kittens begin to develop in the true cat's womb.

In the second half of the cat gestation period, the mother's trunk starts to expand. Her nipples grow, her mammary glands brainstorm producing milk, and her abdomen swells. Past this point, the rapidly growing kittens are only a week or so away. Once she's found a suitable nesting spot, the real work commences. True cat labor progresses chop-chop. Within an 60 minutes or so of going into labor, she's already delivered the first of her new brood, with the rest following at fifteen-to-twenty-minute intervals.

Taking care of a pregnant cat

If you know that your cat is expecting kittens, is there anything yous tin do to ease or facilitate the process? The unproblematic truth is, non much. I've had ane true cat get pregnant, back in 1998, and she gave birth in the middle of a tire in the garage when no 1 was paying attending. Pregnant cats are surprisingly strong, resilient, and self-sufficient. It's really quite amazing. In that location are certain things you can do that might aid, and certainly won't carp, the expectant queen.

When her appetite increases, and she begins to contain multitudes, she volition naturally crave additional sustenance. It should be easy enough to make sure that your cat has set admission to fresh food and water during the middle weeks of her pregnancy. Because an abrupt shift in the kind or quality of any cat'due south food can crusade digestive upset, at that place is no need to brand radical changes to her nutrition. Because she will determine her terminal nesting spot, probably from amidst her favored locations effectually the house, you can provide her with a number of safe options, be they cat beds or spacious boxes lined with towels, discarded bed sheets, or newsprint.

how long is cat pregnancy
Throw abroad your cat pregnancy calendar; get this kitten spayed or neutered! Photo via Shutterstock.

Spay or neuter your cats

Evidenced by the outrageous number of feral cats wandering the planet, as well equally strays and otherwise abandoned cats being housed in shelters and rescue groups, cat pregnancy doesn't require much assist from us. The best thing we can practice for the world'south cat population is to limit its expansion past spaying and neutering our own cats. When is the optimal time to spay or neuter a cat?

As the High Aldwyn once said in the movie Willow, "Forget all that you know or recollect you lot know." Kittens tin can safely and easily be spayed or neutered equally early on equally 8 weeks of age. Making sure your cats and kittens are fixed not but prevents accidental pregnancies, it has besides been proven to minimize the risk of urinary tract infections and a variety of reproductive cancers.

About the author: Melvin Peña trained as a scholar and teacher of 18th-century British literature before turning his enquiry and writing skills to puppies and kittens. He enjoys making fine art, hiking, and concert-going, as well as dazzling crowds with operatic karaoke performances. He has a 17-year-old cat named Quacko, and his online life is conveniently encapsulated here.


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